Infrastructure and community

Expedition 3



Part of the 2030 efforts at Tec is to create different centers of research, innovation and entrepreneurship, promoting the transformation of cities and communities into the best ecosystems for developing new ideas.Creating an innovation district with high concentrations of talent for a knowledge economy.

Expedition is part of those efforts, built to create an innovation production line.

To help this intitiave please consider a gift; contact us today.

Campus Buildings


We have focused on creating new spaces that foster innovation; spaces that make ideas for the future easier to achieve. We strive for an environment that strengthens student education and our community.

Developing innovative new ideas that nurture the future is not an easy task, and less so if the workspace isn’t ideal. Year after year, we continue working to achieve the best facilities, ones that set up the entire Tec community for success.

To help this intitiave please consider a gift; contact us today.



Healthcare clinic
Santa Catarina Tec Salud


The Healthcare Clinic Santa Catarina provides medical services at a low cost to underserved communities mainly from Nuevo Leon. The clinic is staffed by TecSalud doctors who donate their services, including ophthalmologists and surgeons. With the current equipment, the clinic serves around 9,000 patients annually, but upgrading the equipment would increase the number of beneficiaries to over 12,000 people each year.