Tec de Monterrey's "Líderes del Mañana" recruitment initiative offers 100% scholarships for undergraduate degrees to individuals who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership skills, and social commitment. Since its inception ten years ago, 642 people have graduated, and more than 1,900 students received support. Each year, 200 new students join this program from different communities: indigenous, rural, suburban, and urban, representing all states.
Scholarships with Purpose is an initiative that provides 100% scholarships for undergraduate and select graduate programs to students who exhibit academic excellence, leadership skills, and true social commitment.
The Healthcare Clinic Santa Catarina provides medical services at a low cost to underserved communities mainly from Nuevo Leon. The clinic is staffed by TecSalud doctors who donate their services, including ophthalmologists and surgeons. With the current equipment, the clinic serves around 9,000 patients annually, but upgrading the equipment would increase the number of beneficiaries to over 12,000 people each year.
Our core philanthropic projects aim to improve lives; improving conditions now and for the future. We know that talent is distributed equitably, but opportunities are not. That's why we bring opportunities to the best talent, no matter where it comes from, or who it belongs to.
We promote research, innovation, and entrepreneurship through our high-impact research centers, to make a difference in Mexico and the world. We also have centers that focus on addressing challenges that as a society we have a responsibility to solve.
Finally, we strengthen student education and the learning experience by creating environments on our campuses and surrounding areas that enrich collaboration and encourage thought.
We have a Gift Acceptance Policy, that provides guidelines related to the Tecnológico de Monterrey Foundation development activities.
Tecnológico de Monterrey Foundation is exempt from United States federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As required by the IRS for US donors to qualify for an income tax deduction for charitable contributions made to the Foundation, all contributions made to the Foundation will be treated as contributions to the Foundation that are not required to be distributed to any specific organization or recipient. The Foundation's Board of Directors maintains independent control and discretion over all such contributions.
It determines the timing and amount of all distributions and grants from such amounts to any other organization, including Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (also known as Tecnológico de Monterrey, ITESM, or the University System)