Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship


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Institute for Obesity Research 


The Institute for Obesity Research works for interaction, and collaboration of talents from different disciplines, to understand and provide solutions to the global problem of obesity. We focus on 4 main objectives:

• Generate knowledge
• Develop therapies and devices
• Enable science and technology-based companies that promote  
  metabolic health
• Support decision-making for healthier societies


We’re certain that this will help us protect what’s most fundamental and valuable; improving people's health and well-being by fighting one of its greatest threats today: obesity

To help this initiative please consider a gift; contact us today.


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This initiative seeks to create a community of people who contribute with their genomic and clinical data, to solve the great problems of humanity. We are creating an open platform with the genomic and epidemiological data of 100,000 Mexicans so that through research, innovation, training, and entrepreneurship we can improve the health and promote the flourishing of people in our society. 

This genomic information will help us understand the DNA structure of the population and will enable us to define specific risk associations in the population around metabolic and chronic diseases that may depend on the interaction of genes. 


The Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing


At Tec de Monterrey, state of the art knowledge and research about advanced materials and manufacturing models are the best way to resolve the enormous challenges that have resulted from the current development model. 


Through the Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing, Tec de Monterrey conducts scientific and applied research, developing and innovating technologies to generate new materials and design sustainable manufacturing processes.


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Institute for the Future of Education


Help give students the opportunity to collaborate with the most talented scholars in the world, sharing their research and contributing to innovative new discoveries. 

In 2020, Tec launched the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), with the primary purpose of creating, transferring, and disseminating applied knowledge about educational innovation. We connect, inspire, and engage those seeking disruptive solutions for the future of higher education and life-long learning. IFE is lead by Dr. Michael Fung.

To help this intitiave please consider a gift; contact us today.


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Conscious Enterprises Center


Help us develop a new consciousness in leaders, companies, and organizations so that they contribute to human flourishing and lead to a more prosperous, fair, and inclusive society. Your contribution to this Tec de Monterrey initiative, you helping develop institutions and policies that catalyze the spread and adoption of  conscious businesspractices throughout Mexico and beyond. Distinguished University Professor of Conscious Enterprise, Raj Sisodia, leads the Center.​

To help this intitiave please consider a gift; contact us today.

Institute of Business Families


At IFEM we seek to build a differentiated value proposition of training and consulting, which responds to the needs of business families in Mexico and in Latin America, incorporating global trends in the different areas of action: research, teaching and professional intervention guided by development models in light of sustainability and professionalizing the development of family businesses and their systems.

To help this intitiave please consider a gift; contact us today.


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